MISSION STATEMENT/Estado de la Mision

THE MISSION OF MARYVALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL is to prepare our students to become productive and thoughtful citizens who make lifelong contributions to the diverse world where they live.  This will be accomplished through a challenging and motivating curriculum dedicated to educating the whole child, led by the efforts of our staff, parents, and community in a safe and nurturing environment.

La mision de la escuela primaria Maryvale es preparar a los estudiantes para que se convietran en ciudadanos productivos y reflexivos que hagan contribuciones de por vida al mundo diverso en el que viven. Eso se lograra a traves de un plan de estudios desafiante y motivador dedicado a la educacion integral del nino, dirigido por los esfuerzos de nuestro personal, los padres y la comunidad, en un entorno seguro y enriquecedor.   

SCHOOL MOTTO/Lema de la Escuela

We Build Success/Nosotras construimos el exito 

VISION STATEMENT/Declaración de la visión

Our vision is to develop well rounded, cinfident, and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal, and all achievements are celebrated.

Nuestra visión es desarrollar personas integrales, seguras y responsables que aspiren a alcanzar su máximo potencial. Haremos esto brindando un entorno de aprendizaje acogedor, feliz, seguro y de apoyo en el que todos sean iguales y se celebren todos los logros.

ACAP Begins March 25th!/¡ACAP comienza el 25 de marzo!

Parent/Family Guide for ACAP (English)

Guía para padres y familias sobre ACAP (español)

ACAP Testing Schedule
Calendario de pruebas ACAP

MCPSS First Class Pre-K Preregistration is Available Now!

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mcpss registration

Online Registration 

Do online registration BEFORE you come to school for ON-SITE Registration to bring proofs. The ONLINE Registration Flyers were sent home with 3rd quarter report cards. USERNAMES and PASSWORDS are DIFFERENT this year. USERNAMES = parent/guardian’s email address. PASSWORD = your oldest student’s DATE OF BIRTH (DOB example: 4/29/2017 = 04292017). If you are having problems, use your other child’s DOB If you would like your child to return to Maryvale (or any MCPSS), register for next year by JUNE 1st. Moved or going to another school (like middle school), complete RETURNING STUDENT online registration and change school name to the next school. Let the program send a link to your cell phone so you can upload pictures of your photo ID, lease, and current bills. For Kindergarten or PreK use NEW STUDENT (START button). Also, upload Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Immunizations (shot record), last Report Card, or any Custody, Court, or any important papers.


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